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Third party access to waterfront property has become a norm and necessity for most waterfront businesses.  阻止第三方访问通常会导致商业机会和利润的损失.  在某些情况下, prevention can result in breach of contract or tortious interferences with business suits brought against the property owner and/or operator.  Yet, allowing third party access complicates employment relationships at the worksite and the legal responsibilities of the business determined by a court to be a controlling employer.  

An intersection of federal and state jurisdictions and their corresponding laws such as the Virginia Workers Compensation Act, 琼斯法案, 美国海岸和港口工人赔偿法, 海军部延期法案, the Savings to Suitors Clause as well as federal and state common laws complicate the definition of employer-employee relationships for those companies conducting business along waterfronts in Virginia. Uncertain employment status can lead to expensive liability suits under either state or federal law or to long term workers compensation claims under state or federal law that waterfront businesses could have avoided with careful planning in their contractual and insurance negotiations and drafting.  One particular area of confusion within the employer-employee relationship involves the different interpretation and application of the LHWCA by the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit and the Supreme Court of Virginia.  This current legal dichotomy affects a wide variety of industries that drive our Commonwealth’s economic engines.

Water borne commerce obviously plays a major role in economic development for states found within the jurisdiction of the Fourth Circuit.  东海岸第三和第四大最具生产力的海运货物码头, 美国最大的海军基地, 全国最高产的煤炭海运码头, public and private shipyards and numerous other waterfront industries along rivers and bays operate within this jurisdiction.  It has always been prudent for emerging and established waterfront business in Virginia to consider the Fourth’s legal precedent to develop, institute, 运用商业计划和模式.  However, this precedent does not create a crystal ball especially when state courts within the federal circuit do not adopt the Fourth’s interpretation and application of federal law. 

LHWCA包含了一个被称为借用仆人原则的概念.  简而言之, this doctrine can force a waterfront business to assume employer status of a third party's employee.  The Fourth Circuit incorporates a streamlined contract centric analysis to determine borrowed servant status.  弗吉尼亚最高法院, 另一方面, has adopted a nine part control balancing approach that originated in the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit years ago.  The Fourth Circuit has specifically rejected the Virginia Supreme Court’s analysis of federal law because the nine factor calculus “provides insufficient guidance to prospective litigants about the application of a legal standard.”  Because the Virginia Supreme Court does not have to adhere to Fourth Circuit opinion, the continued use of the nine factor probe makes predicting employment relationships on the waterfront perfectly muddy.

While the clear break in Fourth and Fifth Circuit analysis and the Virginia Supreme Court’s current reliance on older Fifth Circuit authority makes the borrowed servant puzzle ripe for appeal to the United States Supreme Court, Virginia waterfront businesses are left torn in the middle until our highest court resolves the issue.  Other federal circuits have recognized the dichotomy in employment analysis and have begun adopting approaches more in line with the Fourth’s contract centric approach so that businesses within those jurisdictions will have a beacon to which they can adjust their courses.  直到美国最高法院受理此案,解决这个难题, Virginia’s waterfront employers should carefully consider the extent of control they exert over third party employees on their property and draft contractual terms and purchase insurance coverage according to how much control they intend to exert.  Too little control opens the waterfront employers to expensive and sometimes crushing liability claims and too much control opens these employers to lifetime workers compensation coverage for another’s direct employee.

Third party access to waterfront property in Virginia has become a norm in an uncertain employment arena.  The uncertainty will continue to exist until the Virginia Supreme Court adopts Fourth Circuit analysis or the United States Supreme Court resolves the conflict.  在那之前, contractual clauses and the appropriate insurance should be used to lessen the uncertainty of employment relationships and allow waterfront business to thrive as owners and operators intended.  

汤姆伯克利 是一个Pender & 懦弱的股东专注于码头和海事法律事务.

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